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Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira

Ph.D. in Ecology

Cássio Cardoso Pereira - pollination

The Scientific Ink®

6 items found for ""

  • Cássio Cardoso Pereira

    Cássio Cardoso Pereira is an ecologist and a conservation biologist. Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais About Cássio Cardoso Pereira is an ecologist and a conservation biologist. He has a Ph.D. in Ecology from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), a master's degree in Ecology from the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), and a bachelor's degree in Biology from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). He is currently a subject editor of BioScience , Biotropica , and Nature Conservation . He is interested in the following topics: arthropod-plant interactions, biodiversity conservation, climate change, phenology, and phytosociology. Statistics Folow me on Twitter © 2020. Cássio Pereira.

  • Cássio Cardoso Pereira

    Cássio Cardoso Pereira - Articles Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira Ph.D. in Ecology Welcome to my website The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Articles 1. Fernandes, S.; Fernandes, G. W.; Pereira, C. P.; et al. 2025. Reimagining River Governance: insights from the Colorado River Crisis. In prep. 2. Rodrigues, D. J.; Sobral-Souza, T.; Toma, T. S.; et al. 2025. Passando a boiada: degazettement and downsizing threaten protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, in press. 3. Pereira, C. C. 2025. Net-zero emissions commitments more threatened than ever. Nature, 638: 39-39. 4. Pereira, C. C.; Rodrigues, D. J.; Salm, R.; Fearnside, P. M. 2025. Amazon projects pose risks to Brazil and the World. BioScience, 75: 1-4. 5. Ripple, W. J.; Wolf, C.; Gregg, J. W.; et al. 2024. The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth. BioScience, 74: 812-824. 6. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s Cerrado cannot be a sacrifice zone for the Amazon: financial assistance and stricter laws are needed. BioScience, 74: 584-585. 7. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Fernandes, G. W.; Goulart, F. F. 2024. Eight years after the Fundão tailings dam collapse: chaos on the muddy banks. Nature Conservation, 56: 77-82. 8. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W.; Cornelissen, T. G. 2024. From leaves to whole plants: effects of shelter-builders on arthropod communities are stronger in dry seasons. Biotropica, 56: e13362. 9. Spadeto, C.; Negreiros, D.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2024. Facilitation and allelopathy mediate phylogenetic and functional diversity under Atlantic Rainforest trees. Flora, 317: e152552. 10. Pereira, C. C.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2024. Scientists' warning: key points where biodiversity can improve climate change mitigation. BioScience, 74: 315-318. 11. Overback, G. E.; Toma, T. S.; Silveira-Filho, R. R.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s natural grasslands under attack. Science, 384: 168-169. 12. Pereira, C. C. 2024. Standing on one foot. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 22: e2720. 13. Toma, T. S.; Oliveira, H. F. M.; Overbeck, G. E.; et al. 2024. Aim for heterogeneous restoration. Science, 383: 376-376. 14. Andrade, A. G.; Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; et al. 2023. Small reserve but high diversity: butterfly community across an altitudinal gradient in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Nature Conservation, 53: 321-340. 15. Robinson, M.; Hahn, P.; Inouye, B.; et al. 2023. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory. Science, 382: 679-683. 16. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2023. The curious case of leaf-rolling nematodes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21: 427-427. 17. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Hope for funding biodiversity efforts. Science, 382: 383-384. 18. Sperandei, V. F.; Alvarenga, D. A.; Araújo, M. S. & Pereira, C. C. 2023. Are caves true habitats for anurans or more a favorable rocky environment? A discussion of habitat occupation by frogs in Neotropical caves. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 131-137. 19. Pereira, C. C. ; Negreiros, D.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2023. Has climate change hijacked the environmental agenda?. Nature Conservation, 53: 157-164. 20. Pereira, C. C. ; Mello, M. A. R.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Beware of scientific scams! Hints to avoid predatory publishing in biological journals. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 97-105. 21. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2022. A double defensive mutualism? A case between plants, extrafloral nectaries, and trophobionts. Alpine Entomology, 6: 129-131. 22. Henriques, N. R. & Pereira, C. C. 2022. Lessons from a tropical deciduous shrub species: leaf fall can play a more important role than rain in leaf budding. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 239-251. 23. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Vote against Amazon deforestation in Brazil. Science, 378: 364-365. 24. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado Rupestre is not Campo Rupestre: The unknown and threatened savannah on rocky outcrops. Nature Conservation, 49: 131-136. 25. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado conservation is key to the water crisis. Science, 377: 270-270. 26. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Twitter: a blue badge for scientists?. Nature, 605: 30-30. 27. Pereira, C. C.; Arruda, D. M.; Santos Soares, F. F.; et al. 2022. The importance of pollination and dispersal syndromes for the conservation of neotropical savanna fragments on ironstone outcrops immersed in an agricultural landscape. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 87-102. 28. Romero, G. Q.; Golçalves-Souza, T.; Roslin, T.; et al. 2022. Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: A global experiment. Global Change Biology, 28: 3694-3710. 29. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; Cornelissen, T. G.; et al. 2022. What triggers phenological events in plants under seasonal environments? A study with phylogenetically related plant species in sympatry. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 84: e257969. 30. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Arthropod constructs and host plants. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 103: e01971. 31. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Subtle structures with not-so-subtle functions: a dataset of arthropod constructs and their host plants. Ecology, 103: e3639. 32. Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; Henriques, N. R.; et al. 2021. Gallers as leaf rollers: ecosystem engineering in a tropical system and its effects on arthropod biodiversity. Ecological Entomology, 46: 470-481. 33. Mendes, G. M.; Silveira, F.; Oliveira, C.; et al. 2021. How much leaf area do insects eat? A dataset of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol. Ecology, 102: e03301. 34. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; De Castro, G. C.; et al. 2020. Are extrafloral nectaries efficient against herbivores? Herbivory and plant defenses in contrasting tropical species. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13: 423-430. 35. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2019. Ferruginous Rupestrian Savannah: a floristic and structural analysis of these rare environments. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 14: 381-397. 36. Henriques, N. R.; Cintra, F.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2019. Indirect effects of ecosystem engineering by insects in a tropical liana. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 13: 499-504. 37. Boaventura, M. G.; Pereira, C. C. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2018. Plant architecture influences gall abundance in a tropical montane plant species. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 32: 670-674. 38. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2014. Frugivoria e dispersão por aves das sementes de Erythroxylum suberosum A.St.-Hil. (Erythroxylaceae) no Cerrado brasileiro. Atualidades Ornitológicas, 182: 18-20. © 2020. Cássio Pereira.

  • Cássio Cardoso Pereira

    Cássio Cardoso Pereira - Contact Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Contact me E-mail: Success! Your message has been sent. Send © 2020. Cássio Pereira.

  • Cássio Cardoso Pereira

    Cássio Cardoso Pereira - Images Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Photos © 2020. Cássio Pereira.

  • Cássio Cardoso Pereira

    Cássio Cardoso Pereira - Videos Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Videos © 2020. Cássio Pereira.

  • Cássio Cardoso Pereira

    Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology ​ Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® 6 items found for "" Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Welcome to my website The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Articles 1. Sperandei, V. F. & Pereira, C. C. 2024. Unusual attack inside the cave. In prep. 2. Ripple, W. J.; Wolf, C.; Gregg, J. W.; et al. 2024. The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth. BioScience, in press. 3. Pereira, C. C. 2024. Attention ecologists: recording the geographic coordinates of your findings is essential. In prep. 4. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s Cerrado cannot be a sacrifice zone for the Amazon: financial assistance and stricter laws are needed. BioScience, 74: 1-2. 5. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Fernandes, G. W.; Goulart, F. F. 2024. Eight years after the Fundão tailings dam collapse: chaos on the muddy banks. Nature Conservation, 56: 77-82. 6. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W.; Cornelissen, T. G. 2024. From leaves to whole plants: effects of shelter-builders on arthropod communities are stronger in dry seasons. Biotropica, 56: e13362. 7. Spadeto, C.; Negreiros, D.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2024. Facilitation and allelopathy mediate phylogenetic and functional diversity under Atlantic Rainforest trees. Flora, 317: e152552. 8. Pereira, C. C.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2024. Scientists' warning: key points where biodiversity can improve climate change mitigation. BioScience, 74: 315-318. 9. Overback, G. E.; Toma, T. S.; Silveira-Filho, R. R.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s natural grasslands under attack. Science, 384: 168-169. 10. Pereira, C. C. 2024. Standing on one foot. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 22: e2720. 11. Toma, T. S.; Oliveira, H. F. M.; Overbeck, G. E.; et al. 2024. Aim for heterogeneous restoration. Science, 383: 376-376. 12. Andrade, A. G.; Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; et al. 2023. Small reserve but high diversity: butterfly community across an altitudinal gradient in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Nature Conservation, 53: 321-340. 13. Robinson, M.; Hahn, P.; Inouye, B.; et al. 2023. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory. Science, 382: 679-683. 14. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2023. The curious case of leaf-rolling nematodes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21: 427-427. 15. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Hope for funding biodiversity efforts. Science, 382: 383-384. 16. Sperandei, V. F.; Alvarenga, D. A.; Araújo, M. S. & Pereira, C. C. 2023. Are caves true habitats for anurans or more a favorable rocky environment? A discussion of habitat occupation by frogs in Neotropical caves. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 131-137. 17. Pereira, C. C. ; Negreiros, D.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2023. Has climate change hijacked the environmental agenda?. Nature Conservation, 53: 157-164. 18. Pereira, C. C. ; Mello, M. A. R.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Beware of scientific scams! Hints to avoid predatory publishing in biological journals. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 97-105. 19. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2022. A double defensive mutualism? A case between plants, extrafloral nectaries, and trophobionts. Alpine Entomology, 6: 129-131. 20. Henriques, N. R. & Pereira, C. C. 2022. Lessons from a tropical deciduous shrub species: leaf fall can play a more important role than rain in leaf budding. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 239-251. 21. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Vote against Amazon deforestation in Brazil. Science, 378: 364-365. 22. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado Rupestre is not Campo Rupestre: The unknown and threatened savannah on rocky outcrops. Nature Conservation, 49: 131-136. 23. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado conservation is key to the water crisis. Science, 377: 270-270. 24. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Twitter: a blue badge for scientists?. Nature, 605: 30-30. 25. Pereira, C. C.; Arruda, D. M.; Santos Soares, F. F.; et al. 2022. The importance of pollination and dispersal syndromes for the conservation of neotropical savanna fragments on ironstone outcrops immersed in an agricultural landscape. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 87-102. 26. Romero, G. Q.; Golçalves-Souza, T.; Roslin, T.; et al. 2022. Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: A global experiment. Global Change Biology, 28: 3694-3710. 27. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; Cornelissen, T. G.; et al. 2022. What triggers phenological events in plants under seasonal environments? A study with phylogenetically related plant species in sympatry. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 84: e257969. 28. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Arthropod constructs and host plants. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 103: e01971. 29. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Subtle structures with not-so-subtle functions: a dataset of arthropod constructs and their host plants. Ecology, 103: e3639. 30. Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; Henriques, N. R.; et al. 2021. Gallers as leaf rollers: ecosystem engineering in a tropical system and its effects on arthropod biodiversity. Ecological Entomology, 46: 470-481. 31. Mendes, G. M.; Silveira, F.; Oliveira, C.; et al. 2021. How much leaf area do insects eat? A dataset of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol. Ecology, 102: e03301. 32. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; De Castro, G. C.; et al. 2020. Are extrafloral nectaries efficient against herbivores? Herbivory and plant defenses in contrasting tropical species. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13: 423-430. 33. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2019. Ferruginous Rupestrian Savannah: a floristic and structural analysis of these rare environments. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 14: 381-397. 34. Henriques, N. R.; Cintra, F.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2019. Indirect effects of ecosystem engineering by insects in a tropical liana. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 13: 499-504. 35. Boaventura, M. G.; Pereira, C. C. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2018. Plant architecture influences gall abundance in a tropical montane plant species. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 32: 670-674. 36. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2014. Frugivoria e dispersão por aves das sementes de Erythroxylum suberosum A.St.-Hil. (Erythroxylaceae) no Cerrado brasileiro. Atualidades Ornitológicas, 182: 18-20. © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Contact me E-mail: Success! Your message has been sent. Send © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology ​ Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® 6 items found for "" Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Welcome to my website The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Articles 1. Sperandei, V. F. & Pereira, C. C. 2024. Unusual attack inside the cave. In prep. 2. Ripple, W. J.; Wolf, C.; Gregg, J. W.; et al. 2024. The 2024 State of the Climate Report: Perilous Times on planet Earth. BioScience, in press. 3. Pereira, C. C. 2024. Attention ecologists: recording the geographic coordinates of your findings is essential. In prep. 4. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s Cerrado cannot be a sacrifice zone for the Amazon: financial assistance and stricter laws are needed. BioScience, 76: 1-2. 5. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Fernandes, G. W.; Goulart, F. F. 2024. Eight years after the Fundão tailings dam collapse: chaos on the muddy banks. Nature Conservation, 56: 77-82. 6. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W.; Cornelissen, T. G. 2024. From leaves to whole plants: effects of shelter-builders on arthropod communities are stronger in dry seasons. Biotropica, 56: e13362. 7. Spadeto, C.; Negreiros, D.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2024. Facilitation and allelopathy mediate phylogenetic and functional diversity under Atlantic Rainforest trees. Flora, 317: e152552. 8. Pereira, C. C.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2024. Scientists' warning: key points where biodiversity can improve climate change mitigation. BioScience, 74: 315-318. 9. Overback, G. E.; Toma, T. S.; Silveira-Filho, R. R.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s natural grasslands under attack. Science, 384: 168-169. 10. Pereira, C. C. 2024. Standing on one foot. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 22: e2720. 11. Toma, T. S.; Oliveira, H. F. M.; Overbeck, G. E.; et al. 2024. Aim for heterogeneous restoration. Science, 383: 376-376. 12. Andrade, A. G.; Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; et al. 2023. Small reserve but high diversity: butterfly community across an altitudinal gradient in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Nature Conservation, 53: 321-340. 13. Robinson, M.; Hahn, P.; Inouye, B.; et al. 2023. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory. Science, 382: 679-683. 14. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2023. The curious case of leaf-rolling nematodes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21: 427-427. 15. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Hope for funding biodiversity efforts. Science, 382: 383-384. 16. Sperandei, V. F.; Alvarenga, D. A.; Araújo, M. S. & Pereira, C. C. 2023. Are caves true habitats for anurans or more a favorable rocky environment? A discussion of habitat occupation by frogs in Neotropical caves. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 131-137. 17. Pereira, C. C. ; Negreiros, D.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2023. Has climate change hijacked the environmental agenda?. Nature Conservation, 53: 157-164. 18. Pereira, C. C. ; Mello, M. A. R.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Beware of scientific scams! Hints to avoid predatory publishing in biological journals. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 97-105. 19. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2022. A double defensive mutualism? A case between plants, extrafloral nectaries, and trophobionts. Alpine Entomology, 6: 129-131. 20. Henriques, N. R. & Pereira, C. C. 2022. Lessons from a tropical deciduous shrub species: leaf fall can play a more important role than rain in leaf budding. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 239-251. 21. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Vote against Amazon deforestation in Brazil. Science, 378: 364-365. 22. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado Rupestre is not Campo Rupestre: The unknown and threatened savannah on rocky outcrops. Nature Conservation, 49: 131-136. 23. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado conservation is key to the water crisis. Science, 377: 270-270. 24. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Twitter: a blue badge for scientists?. Nature, 605: 30-30. 25. Pereira, C. C.; Arruda, D. M.; Santos Soares, F. F.; et al. 2022. The importance of pollination and dispersal syndromes for the conservation of neotropical savanna fragments on ironstone outcrops immersed in an agricultural landscape. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 87-102. 26. Romero, G. Q.; Golçalves-Souza, T.; Roslin, T.; et al. 2022. Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: A global experiment. Global Change Biology, 28: 3694-3710. 27. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; Cornelissen, T. G.; et al. 2022. What triggers phenological events in plants under seasonal environments? A study with phylogenetically related plant species in sympatry. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 84: e257969. 28. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Arthropod constructs and host plants. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 103: e01971. 29. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Subtle structures with not-so-subtle functions: a dataset of arthropod constructs and their host plants. Ecology, 103: e3639. 30. Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; Henriques, N. R.; et al. 2021. Gallers as leaf rollers: ecosystem engineering in a tropical system and its effects on arthropod biodiversity. Ecological Entomology, 46: 470-481. 31. Mendes, G. M.; Silveira, F.; Oliveira, C.; et al. 2021. How much leaf area do insects eat? A dataset of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol. Ecology, 102: e03301. 32. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; De Castro, G. C.; et al. 2020. Are extrafloral nectaries efficient against herbivores? Herbivory and plant defenses in contrasting tropical species. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13: 423-430. 33. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2019. Ferruginous Rupestrian Savannah: a floristic and structural analysis of these rare environments. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 14: 381-397. 34. Henriques, N. R.; Cintra, F.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2019. Indirect effects of ecosystem engineering by insects in a tropical liana. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 13: 499-504. 35. Boaventura, M. G.; Pereira, C. C. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2018. Plant architecture influences gall abundance in a tropical montane plant species. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 32: 670-674. 36. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2014. Frugivoria e dispersão por aves das sementes de Erythroxylum suberosum A.St.-Hil. (Erythroxylaceae) no Cerrado brasileiro. Atualidades Ornitológicas, 182: 18-20. © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Contact me E-mail: Success! Your message has been sent. Send © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology ​ Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® 6 items found for "" Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Welcome to my website The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Articles 1. Sperandei, V. F. & Pereira, C. C. 2024. Unusual attack inside the cave. In prep. 2. Ripple, W. J.; Wolf, C.; Gregg, J. W.; et al. 2024. The 2024 State of the Climate Report: Perilous Times on planet Earth. BioScience, in press. 3. Pereira, C. C. 2024. Attention ecologists: recording the geographic coordinates of your findings is essential. In prep. 4. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s Cerrado cannot be a sacrifice zone for the Amazon: financial assistance and stricter laws are needed. BioScience, 76: 1-2. 5. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Fernandes, G. W.; Goulart, F. F. 2024. Eight years after the Fundão tailings dam collapse: chaos on the muddy banks. Nature Conservation, 56: 77-82. 6. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W.; Cornelissen, T. G. 2024. From leaves to whole plants: effects of shelter-builders on arthropod communities are stronger in dry seasons. Biotropica, 56: e13362. 7. Spadeto, C.; Negreiros, D.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2024. Facilitation and allelopathy mediate phylogenetic and functional diversity under Atlantic Rainforest trees. Flora, 317: e152552. 8. Pereira, C. C.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2024. Scientists' warning: key points where biodiversity can improve climate change mitigation. BioScience, 74: 315-318. 9. Overback, G. E.; Toma, T. S.; Silveira-Filho, R. R.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s natural grasslands under attack. Science, 384: 168-169. 10. Pereira, C. C. 2024. Standing on one foot. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 22: e2720. 11. Toma, T. S.; Oliveira, H. F. M.; Overbeck, G. E.; et al. 2024. Aim for heterogeneous restoration. Science, 383: 376-376. 12. Andrade, A. G.; Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; et al. 2023. Small reserve but high diversity: butterfly community across an altitudinal gradient in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Nature Conservation, 53: 321-340. 13. Robinson, M.; Hahn, P.; Inouye, B.; et al. 2023. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory. Science, 382: 679-683. 14. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2023. The curious case of leaf-rolling nematodes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21: 427-427. 15. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Hope for funding biodiversity efforts. Science, 382: 383-384. 16. Sperandei, V. F.; Alvarenga, D. A.; Araújo, M. S. & Pereira, C. C. 2023. Are caves true habitats for anurans or more a favorable rocky environment? A discussion of habitat occupation by frogs in Neotropical caves. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 131-137. 17. Pereira, C. C. ; Negreiros, D.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2023. Has climate change hijacked the environmental agenda?. Nature Conservation, 53: 157-164. 18. Pereira, C. C. ; Mello, M. A. R.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Beware of scientific scams! Hints to avoid predatory publishing in biological journals. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 97-105. 19. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2022. A double defensive mutualism? A case between plants, extrafloral nectaries, and trophobionts. Alpine Entomology, 6: 129-131. 20. Henriques, N. R. & Pereira, C. C. 2022. Lessons from a tropical deciduous shrub species: leaf fall can play a more important role than rain in leaf budding. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 239-251. 21. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Vote against Amazon deforestation in Brazil. Science, 378: 364-365. 22. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado Rupestre is not Campo Rupestre: The unknown and threatened savannah on rocky outcrops. Nature Conservation, 49: 131-136. 23. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado conservation is key to the water crisis. Science, 377: 270-270. 24. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Twitter: a blue badge for scientists?. Nature, 605: 30-30. 25. Pereira, C. C.; Arruda, D. M.; Santos Soares, F. F.; et al. 2022. The importance of pollination and dispersal syndromes for the conservation of neotropical savanna fragments on ironstone outcrops immersed in an agricultural landscape. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 87-102. 26. Romero, G. Q.; Golçalves-Souza, T.; Roslin, T.; et al. 2022. Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: A global experiment. Global Change Biology, 28: 3694-3710. 27. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; Cornelissen, T. G.; et al. 2022. What triggers phenological events in plants under seasonal environments? A study with phylogenetically related plant species in sympatry. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 84: e257969. 28. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Arthropod constructs and host plants. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 103: e01971. 29. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Subtle structures with not-so-subtle functions: a dataset of arthropod constructs and their host plants. Ecology, 103: e3639. 30. Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; Henriques, N. R.; et al. 2021. Gallers as leaf rollers: ecosystem engineering in a tropical system and its effects on arthropod biodiversity. Ecological Entomology, 46: 470-481. 31. Mendes, G. M.; Silveira, F.; Oliveira, C.; et al. 2021. How much leaf area do insects eat? A dataset of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol. Ecology, 102: e03301. 32. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; De Castro, G. C.; et al. 2020. Are extrafloral nectaries efficient against herbivores? Herbivory and plant defenses in contrasting tropical species. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13: 423-430. 33. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2019. Ferruginous Rupestrian Savannah: a floristic and structural analysis of these rare environments. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 14: 381-397. 34. Henriques, N. R.; Cintra, F.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2019. Indirect effects of ecosystem engineering by insects in a tropical liana. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 13: 499-504. 35. Boaventura, M. G.; Pereira, C. C. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2018. Plant architecture influences gall abundance in a tropical montane plant species. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 32: 670-674. 36. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2014. Frugivoria e dispersão por aves das sementes de Erythroxylum suberosum A.St.-Hil. (Erythroxylaceae) no Cerrado brasileiro. Atualidades Ornitológicas, 182: 18-20. © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Contact me E-mail: Success! Your message has been sent. Send © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais About Cássio Cardoso Pereira is an ecologist and a conservation biologist. He has a Ph.D. in Ecology from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), a master's degree in Ecology from the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), and a bachelor's degree in Biology from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). He is currently a subject editor of BioScience , Biotropica , and Nature Conservation . He is interested in the following topics: arthropod-plant interactions, biodiversity conservation, climate change, phenology, and phytosociology. Statistics Folow me on Twitter © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology ​ Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® 6 items found for "" Cássio Cardoso Pereira Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Contact me E-mail: Success! Your message has been sent. Send © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais About Cássio Cardoso Pereira is an ecologist and a conservation biologist. He has a Ph.D. in Ecology from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), a master's degree in Ecology from the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), and a bachelor's degree in Biology from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). He is currently a subject editor of BioScience , Biotropica , and Nature Conservation . He is interested in the following topics: arthropod-plant interactions, biodiversity conservation, climate change, phenology, and phytosociology. Statistics Folow me on Twitter © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Videos © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Welcome to my website The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Articles 1. Sperandei, V. F. & Pereira, C. C. 2024. Unusual attack inside the cave. In prep. 2. Ripple, W. J.; Wolf, C.; Gregg, J. W.; et al. 2024. The 2024 State of the Climate Report: Perilous Times on planet Earth. BioScience, in press. 3. Pereira, C. C. 2024. Attention ecologists: recording the geographic coordinates of your findings is essential. In prep. 4. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s Cerrado cannot be a sacrifice zone for the Amazon: financial assistance and stricter laws are needed. BioScience, in press. 5. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Fernandes, G. W.; Goulart, F. F. 2024. Eight years after the Fundão tailings dam collapse: chaos on the muddy banks. Nature Conservation, 56: 77-82. 6. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W.; Cornelissen, T. G. 2024. From leaves to whole plants: effects of shelter-builders on arthropod communities are stronger in dry seasons. Biotropica, 56: e13362. 7. Spadeto, C.; Negreiros, D.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2024. Facilitation and allelopathy mediate phylogenetic and functional diversity under Atlantic Rainforest trees. Flora, 317: e152552. 8. Pereira, C. C.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2024. Scientists' warning: key points where biodiversity can improve climate change mitigation. BioScience, 74: 315-318. 9. Overback, G. E.; Toma, T. S.; Silveira-Filho, R. R.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s natural grasslands under attack. Science, 384: 168-169. 10. Pereira, C. C. 2024. Standing on one foot. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 22: e2720. 11. Toma, T. S.; Oliveira, H. F. M.; Overbeck, G. E.; et al. 2024. Aim for heterogeneous restoration. Science, 383: 376-376. 12. Andrade, A. G.; Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; et al. 2023. Small reserve but high diversity: butterfly community across an altitudinal gradient in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Nature Conservation, 53: 321-340. 13. Robinson, M.; Hahn, P.; Inouye, B.; et al. 2023. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory. Science, 382: 679-683. 14. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2023. The curious case of leaf-rolling nematodes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21: 427-427. 15. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Hope for funding biodiversity efforts. Science, 382: 383-384. 16. Sperandei, V. F.; Alvarenga, D. A.; Araújo, M. S. & Pereira, C. C. 2023. Are caves true habitats for anurans or more a favorable rocky environment? A discussion of habitat occupation by frogs in Neotropical caves. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 131-137. 17. Pereira, C. C. ; Negreiros, D.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2023. Has climate change hijacked the environmental agenda?. Nature Conservation, 53: 157-164. 18. Pereira, C. C. ; Mello, M. A. R.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Beware of scientific scams! Hints to avoid predatory publishing in biological journals. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 97-105. 19. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2022. A double defensive mutualism? A case between plants, extrafloral nectaries, and trophobionts. Alpine Entomology, 6: 129-131. 20. Henriques, N. R. & Pereira, C. C. 2022. Lessons from a tropical deciduous shrub species: leaf fall can play a more important role than rain in leaf budding. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 239-251. 21. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Vote against Amazon deforestation in Brazil. Science, 378: 364-365. 22. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado Rupestre is not Campo Rupestre: The unknown and threatened savannah on rocky outcrops. Nature Conservation, 49: 131-136. 23. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado conservation is key to the water crisis. Science, 377: 270-270. 24. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Twitter: a blue badge for scientists?. Nature, 605: 30-30. 25. Pereira, C. C.; Arruda, D. M.; Santos Soares, F. F.; et al. 2022. The importance of pollination and dispersal syndromes for the conservation of neotropical savanna fragments on ironstone outcrops immersed in an agricultural landscape. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 87-102. 26. Romero, G. Q.; Golçalves-Souza, T.; Roslin, T.; et al. 2022. Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: A global experiment. Global Change Biology, 28: 3694-3710. 27. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; Cornelissen, T. G.; et al. 2022. What triggers phenological events in plants under seasonal environments? A study with phylogenetically related plant species in sympatry. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 84: e257969. 28. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Arthropod constructs and host plants. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 103: e01971. 29. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Subtle structures with not-so-subtle functions: a dataset of arthropod constructs and their host plants. Ecology, 103: e3639. 30. Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; Henriques, N. R.; et al. 2021. Gallers as leaf rollers: ecosystem engineering in a tropical system and its effects on arthropod biodiversity. Ecological Entomology, 46: 470-481. 31. Mendes, G. M.; Silveira, F.; Oliveira, C.; et al. 2021. How much leaf area do insects eat? A dataset of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol. Ecology, 102: e03301. 32. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; De Castro, G. C.; et al. 2020. Are extrafloral nectaries efficient against herbivores? Herbivory and plant defenses in contrasting tropical species. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13: 423-430. 33. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2019. Ferruginous Rupestrian Savannah: a floristic and structural analysis of these rare environments. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 14: 381-397. 34. Henriques, N. R.; Cintra, F.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2019. Indirect effects of ecosystem engineering by insects in a tropical liana. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 13: 499-504. 35. Boaventura, M. G.; Pereira, C. C. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2018. Plant architecture influences gall abundance in a tropical montane plant species. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 32: 670-674. 36. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2014. Frugivoria e dispersão por aves das sementes de Erythroxylum suberosum A.St.-Hil. (Erythroxylaceae) no Cerrado brasileiro. Atualidades Ornitológicas, 182: 18-20. © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Photos © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology ​ Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® 6 items found for "" Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Welcome to my website The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Articles 1. Sperandei, V. F. & Pereira, C. C. 2024. Unusual attack inside the cave. In prep. 2. Ripple, W. J.; Wolf, C.; Gregg, J. W.; et al. 2024. The 2024 State of the Climate Report: Perilous Times on planet Earth. BioScience, in press. 3. Pereira, C. C. 2024. Attention ecologists: recording the geographic coordinates of your findings is essential. In prep. 4. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s Cerrado cannot be a sacrifice zone for the Amazon: financial assistance and stricter laws are needed. BioScience, in press. 5. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Fernandes, G. W.; Goulart, F. F. 2024. Eight years after the Fundão tailings dam collapse: chaos on the muddy banks. Nature Conservation, 56: 77-82. 6. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W.; Cornelissen, T. G. 2024. From leaves to whole plants: effects of shelter-builders on arthropod communities are stronger in dry seasons. Biotropica, 56: e13362. 7. Spadeto, C.; Negreiros, D.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2024. Facilitation and allelopathy mediate phylogenetic and functional diversity under Atlantic Rainforest trees. Flora, 317: e152552. 8. Pereira, C. C.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2024. Scientists' warning: key points where biodiversity can improve climate change mitigation. BioScience, 74: 315-318. 9. Overback, G. E.; Toma, T. S.; Silveira-Filho, R. R.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s natural grasslands under attack. Science, 384: 168-169. 10. Pereira, C. C. 2024. Standing on one foot. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 22: e2720. 11. Toma, T. S.; Oliveira, H. F. M.; Overbeck, G. E.; et al. 2024. Aim for heterogeneous restoration. Science, 383: 376-376. 12. Andrade, A. G.; Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; et al. 2023. Small reserve but high diversity: butterfly community across an altitudinal gradient in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Nature Conservation, 53: 321-340. 13. Robinson, M.; Hahn, P.; Inouye, B.; et al. 2023. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory. Science, 382: 679-683. 14. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2023. The curious case of leaf-rolling nematodes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21: 427-427. 15. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Hope for funding biodiversity efforts. Science, 382: 383-384. 16. Sperandei, V. F.; Alvarenga, D. A.; Araújo, M. S. & Pereira, C. C. 2023. Are caves true habitats for anurans or more a favorable rocky environment? A discussion of habitat occupation by frogs in Neotropical caves. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 131-137. 17. Pereira, C. C. ; Negreiros, D.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2023. Has climate change hijacked the environmental agenda?. Nature Conservation, 53: 157-164. 18. Pereira, C. C. ; Mello, M. A. R.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Beware of scientific scams! Hints to avoid predatory publishing in biological journals. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 97-105. 19. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2022. A double defensive mutualism? A case between plants, extrafloral nectaries, and trophobionts. Alpine Entomology, 6: 129-131. 20. Henriques, N. R. & Pereira, C. C. 2022. Lessons from a tropical deciduous shrub species: leaf fall can play a more important role than rain in leaf budding. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 239-251. 21. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Vote against Amazon deforestation in Brazil. Science, 378: 364-365. 22. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado Rupestre is not Campo Rupestre: The unknown and threatened savannah on rocky outcrops. Nature Conservation, 49: 131-136. 23. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado conservation is key to the water crisis. Science, 377: 270-270. 24. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Twitter: a blue badge for scientists?. Nature, 605: 30-30. 25. Pereira, C. C.; Arruda, D. M.; Santos Soares, F. F.; et al. 2022. The importance of pollination and dispersal syndromes for the conservation of neotropical savanna fragments on ironstone outcrops immersed in an agricultural landscape. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 87-102. 26. Romero, G. Q.; Golçalves-Souza, T.; Roslin, T.; et al. 2022. Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: A global experiment. Global Change Biology, 28: 3694-3710. 27. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; Cornelissen, T. G.; et al. 2022. What triggers phenological events in plants under seasonal environments? A study with phylogenetically related plant species in sympatry. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 84: e257969. 28. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Arthropod constructs and host plants. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 103: e01971. 29. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Subtle structures with not-so-subtle functions: a dataset of arthropod constructs and their host plants. Ecology, 103: e3639. 30. Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; Henriques, N. R.; et al. 2021. Gallers as leaf rollers: ecosystem engineering in a tropical system and its effects on arthropod biodiversity. Ecological Entomology, 46: 470-481. 31. Mendes, G. M.; Silveira, F.; Oliveira, C.; et al. 2021. How much leaf area do insects eat? A dataset of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol. Ecology, 102: e03301. 32. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; De Castro, G. C.; et al. 2020. Are extrafloral nectaries efficient against herbivores? Herbivory and plant defenses in contrasting tropical species. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13: 423-430. 33. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2019. Ferruginous Rupestrian Savannah: a floristic and structural analysis of these rare environments. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 14: 381-397. 34. Henriques, N. R.; Cintra, F.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2019. Indirect effects of ecosystem engineering by insects in a tropical liana. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 13: 499-504. 35. Boaventura, M. G.; Pereira, C. C. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2018. Plant architecture influences gall abundance in a tropical montane plant species. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 32: 670-674. 36. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2014. Frugivoria e dispersão por aves das sementes de Erythroxylum suberosum A.St.-Hil. (Erythroxylaceae) no Cerrado brasileiro. Atualidades Ornitológicas, 182: 18-20. © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais About Cássio Cardoso Pereira is an ecologist and a conservation biologist. He has a Ph.D. in Ecology from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), a master's degree in Ecology from the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), and a bachelor's degree in Biology from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). He is currently a subject editor of Biotropica , Nature Conservation , and Neotropical Biology and Conservation . He is interested in the following topics: arthropod-plant interactions, biodiversity conservation, climate change, phenology, and phytosociology. Statistics Folow me on Twitter © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Contact me E-mail: Success! Your message has been sent. Send © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology ​ Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® 5 items found for "" Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Photos © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais About Cássio Cardoso Pereira is an ecologist and a conservation biologist. He has a Ph.D. in Ecology from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), a master's degree in Ecology from the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), and a bachelor's degree in Biology from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). He is currently a subject editor of Biotropica , Nature Conservation , and Neotropical Biology and Conservation . He is interested in the following topics: arthropod-plant interactions, biodiversity conservation, climate change, phenology, and phytosociology. Statistics Folow me on Twitter © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Welcome to my website The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Articles 1. Sperandei, V. F. & Pereira, C. C. 2024. Unusual attack inside the cave. In prep. 2. Ripple, W. J.; Wolf, C.; Gregg, J. W.; et al. 2024. The 2024 State of the Climate Report: Perilous Times on planet Earth. BioScience, in press. 3. Pereira, C. C. 2024. Attention ecologists: recording the geographic coordinates of your findings is essential. In prep. 4. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Fernandes, G. W.; Goulart, F. F. 2024. Nine years after the Fundão tailings dam collapse: chaos on the muddy banks. Nature Conservation, in press. 5. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, S.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s Cerrado cannot be a sacrifice zone for the Amazon: financial assistance and stricter laws are needed. BioScience, in press. 6. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W.; Cornelissen, T. G. 2024. From leaves to whole plants: effects of shelter-builders on arthropod communities are stronger in dry seasons. Biotropica, 56, e13362. 7. Spadeto, C.; Negreiros, D.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2024. Facilitation and allelopathy mediate phylogenetic and functional diversity under Atlantic Rainforest trees. Flora, 317, e152552. 8. Pereira, C. C.; Kenedy-Siqueira, W.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2024. Scientists' warning: key points where biodiversity can improve climate change mitigation. BioScience, 74, 315-318. 9. Overback, G. E.; Toma, T. S.; Silveira-Filho, R. R.; et al. 2024. Brazil’s natural grasslands under attack. Science, 384: 168-169. 10. Pereira, C. C. 2024. Standing on one foot. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 22: e2720. 11. Toma, T. S.; Oliveira, H. F. M.; Overbeck, G. E.; et al. 2024. Aim for heterogeneous restoration. Science, 383: 376-376. 12. Andrade, A. G.; Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; et al. 2023. Small reserve but high diversity: butterfly community across an altitudinal gradient in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Nature Conservation, 53: 321-340. 13. Robinson, M.; Hahn, P.; Inouye, B.; et al. 2023. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain within-population variability in herbivory. Science, 382: 679-683. 14. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2023. The curious case of leaf-rolling nematodes. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21: 427-427. 15. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Hope for funding biodiversity efforts. Science, 382: 383-384. 16. Sperandei, V. F.; Alvarenga, D. A.; Araújo, M. S. & Pereira, C. C. 2023. Are caves true habitats for anurans or more a favorable rocky environment? A discussion of habitat occupation by frogs in Neotropical caves. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 131-137. 17. Pereira, C. C. ; Negreiros, D.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2023. Has climate change hijacked the environmental agenda?. Nature Conservation, 53: 157-164. 18. Pereira, C. C. ; Mello, M. A. R.; Negreiros, D.; et al. 2023. Beware of scientific scams! Hints to avoid predatory publishing in biological journals. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 18: 97-105. 19. Pereira, C. C.; Fernandes, G. W. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2022. A double defensive mutualism? A case between plants, extrafloral nectaries, and trophobionts. Alpine Entomology, 6: 129-131. 20. Henriques, N. R. & Pereira, C. C. 2022. Lessons from a tropical deciduous shrub species: leaf fall can play a more important role than rain in leaf budding. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 239-251. 21. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Vote against Amazon deforestation in Brazil. Science, 378: 364-365. 22. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado Rupestre is not Campo Rupestre: The unknown and threatened savannah on rocky outcrops. Nature Conservation, 49: 131-136. 23. Pereira, C. C. & Fernandes, G. W. 2022. Cerrado conservation is key to the water crisis. Science, 377: 270-270. 24. Pereira, C. C. 2022. Twitter: a blue badge for scientists?. Nature, 605: 30-30. 25. Pereira, C. C.; Arruda, D. M.; Santos Soares, F. F.; et al. 2022. The importance of pollination and dispersal syndromes for the conservation of neotropical savanna fragments on ironstone outcrops immersed in an agricultural landscape. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 17: 87-102. 26. Romero, G. Q.; Golçalves-Souza, T.; Roslin, T.; et al. 2022. Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: A global experiment. Global Change Biology, 28: 3694-3710. 27. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; Cornelissen, T. G.; et al. 2022. What triggers phenological events in plants under seasonal environments? A study with phylogenetically related plant species in sympatry. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 84: e257969. 28. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Arthropod constructs and host plants. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 103: e01971. 29. Pereira, C. C.; Novais, S.; Barbosa, M.; et al. 2022. Subtle structures with not-so-subtle functions: a dataset of arthropod constructs and their host plants. Ecology, 103: e3639. 30. Pereira, C. C.; Sperandei, V. F.; Henriques, N. R.; et al. 2021. Gallers as leaf rollers: ecosystem engineering in a tropical system and its effects on arthropod biodiversity. Ecological Entomology, 46: 470-481. 31. Mendes, G. M.; Silveira, F.; Oliveira, C.; et al. 2021. How much leaf area do insects eat? A dataset of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol. Ecology, 102: e03301. 32. Pereira, C. C.; Boaventura, M. G.; De Castro, G. C.; et al. 2020. Are extrafloral nectaries efficient against herbivores? Herbivory and plant defenses in contrasting tropical species. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13: 423-430. 33. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2019. Ferruginous Rupestrian Savannah: a floristic and structural analysis of these rare environments. Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 14: 381-397. 34. Henriques, N. R.; Cintra, F.; Pereira, C. C.; et al. 2019. Indirect effects of ecosystem engineering by insects in a tropical liana. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 13: 499-504. 35. Boaventura, M. G.; Pereira, C. C. & Cornelissen, T. G. 2018. Plant architecture influences gall abundance in a tropical montane plant species. Acta Botanica Brasilica, 32: 670-674. 36. Pereira, C. C.; Santos Soares, F. F.; Fonseca, R. S.; et al. 2014. Frugivoria e dispersão por aves das sementes de Erythroxylum suberosum A.St.-Hil. (Erythroxylaceae) no Cerrado brasileiro. Atualidades Ornitológicas, 182: 18-20. © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Contact me E-mail: Success! Your message has been sent. Send © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Videos © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Photos © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Videos © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Photos © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Videos © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Photos © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais About Cássio Cardoso Pereira is an ecologist and a conservation biologist. He has a Ph.D. in Ecology from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), a master's degree in Ecology from the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), and a bachelor's degree in Biology from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). He is currently a subject editor of BioScience , Biotropica , and Nature Conservation . He is interested in the following topics: arthropod-plant interactions, biodiversity conservation, climate change, phenology, and phytosociology. Statistics Folow me on Twitter © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Videos © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Welcome to my website Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais About Cássio Cardoso Pereira is an ecologist and a conservation biologist. He has a Ph.D. in Ecology from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), a master's degree in Ecology from the Federal University of São João del-Rei (UFSJ), and a bachelor's degree in Biology from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). He is currently a subject editor of BioScience , Biotropica , and Nature Conservation . He is interested in the following topics: arthropod-plant interactions, biodiversity conservation, climate change, phenology, and phytosociology. Statistics Folow me on Twitter © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais The Scientific Ink® Photos © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​ Cássio Cardoso Pereira Dr. Cássio Cardoso Pereira ​ Ph.D. in Ecology The Scientific Ink® Home Publications Media Gallery Contact Mais Videos © 2020. Cássio Pereira. ​

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